You don’t agree with the Pledge of Allegiance? That’s UnAmerican! Right?

Black in-White
3 min readApr 22, 2021

The Pledge of Allegiance reads:

I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.

As we well know, conservative white Americans become particularly put out whenever they learn of anyone disrespecting their beloved Pledge of Allegiance. They believe it’s vulgar and demonic not to accept the pledge because it is equal to standing at the altar to get born again. After all, their version of manifest destiny says God has ordained for the entire world full of savages and demon worshippers to be saved by the Great White Hope — aka the American Made White Jesus.

After thinking about this for a while, I have concluding that that white people are right on this one. It’s definitely UN-American to not support the Pledge of Allegiance.

So, now that we are aligned on that idea, I should probably inform you that based on how conservative white Americans, and especially the evangelical religious variety, voted in the recent presidential election, that would make you UN-AMERICAN! — What a wild idea. Huh?

But before you round up your good ole’ boy posse, which is often a body of angry white men and typically armed to enforce some law they made up to maintain control… the same group of folks who stormed the nation’s capital on January 6th, please hear me out. And before you turn loose them godly klansmen, let’s reason together about why I think you are an UN-AMERICAN. It’s a relatively simple idea. Try your best to follow along. Please.

Does not the Pledge of Allegiance state: I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, INDIVISIBLE, with LIBERTY and JUSTICE for ALL? (Emphasis mine) — Well, everyone with a brain would recognize that this nation has been and remains intentionally committed to maintain white superiority. That should not come as a breaking news flash to you. Right? White folks have absolutely no intention of allowing Black, Mexican, Latin, or Middle Eastern to live in their hoods, and they prove it over and over again every time a family that does not look like them moves in. History shows when people of color move in, white folks pack up their stuff and move out. I believe the term is called “white flight?” Right?

As well, the idea of liberty was not ever intended for people of color. Liberty is supposed to be a white-only experience and is evidenced by the fight to maintain the privileges associated with being white. The truth is, the founding fathers and framers of the US Constitution were not thinking about anyone other than white people. Their singular plan for African Americans was to become nothing more remarkable than the slaves for their children and great-grandchildren. Liberty for Blacks was never supposed to be an option.

And finally, the idea of justice for all is a super hard concept for white Americans to wrap their heads around. Their making and remaking of laws cannot see justice through the lens of the Native Americans they stole land from, infected them with venereal diseases, and then committed genocide against, which makes me wonder why they dislike Hitler so much. Or maybe they don’t. Either way, justice is not a concept most white people believe applies to Black Americans; otherwise, they would have implemented reparations decades ago. Nor would housing thousands and thousands of Black and Brown men in prisons be so lucrative for white investors.

And so, failing to fight for America’s Pledge of Allegiance to be equally applied to every person, regardless of color or ethnicity is extraordinarily UN-American.



Black in-White

I live an extraordinary life filled with incredible experiences that have transformed the son of a Mississippi sharecropper into a servant-leader.